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Team coaching
1. What is team coaching?
Team coaching is a change-supporting and developmental tool, focused on a current problem present in the life of the organisation, or a running project.
The goal of team coaching is to harmonize and develop the collective skills, improve collaboration, enhance effectivity in individual, group level and organization level in order to attain a shared, accepted, and supportable goal.
Team coaching is recommended when:
• integrating a recently appointed leader into the group
• managing projects, fine tuning complex professional projects
• change management
• performance relapses, motivational downturns, crysis management
• followup trainings and deepening the professional development
2. Outcomes of Team Coaching
The outcomes of the team coaching are specific to the needs, plans, and performance of each team. There are, however, expectations from any team coaching process.
• High performing teams are simply better than others in all areas of team effectiveness.
• They communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts and disagreements efficiently;
• They make faster and better decisions
• They are more resilient, more adaptable to changing conditions, and more sustainable over time.
• The team generates an improvement in business metrics.
3. The process in team coaching
Not every team is a good candidate for team coaching. Also, team coaching is not a triage center for dysfunctional teams.
In some cases, a team is simply not ready to engage in a coaching process.
The foundation of coaching is honest, open conversation and in some teams it may not be safe enough for that work to happen.
Three conditions are necessary for an effective coaching relationship:
• The client is willing to change.
•The client has the capacity to change.
•The client is committed to change.